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..:> MlodY <:..
PostWysłany: 61405 GruŚroda2005282005    Temat postu:

Ehehehe a no fakt Razz pamietam Very Happy
PostWysłany: 07505 GruŚroda2005282005    Temat postu:

na tibii org to ja to podalem Razz
..:> MlodY <:..
PostWysłany: 63205 GruPoniedziałek2005262005    Temat postu:

Nice, przyznam sie ze chcialem zrobic (b na widzialem xD) ale jakos mi czasu brakuje Razz
PostWysłany: 06405 GruPoniedziałek2005262005    Temat postu: zaklecie do zmiany outfitow

hmmm.......... no niech bedzie tu tez dam:

to taki bajerek mozan sie przemieniac za pomoca powiedzenia tylko nazwy potwora ja wybralem taklkich potworow jak nieumarli , demony itd ale mozna latwo zrobic dla reszty nizej pokaze jak:
dopiszcie jedynie do spells.xml:

<spell name="skeleton"         words="skeleton"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="fire devil"         words="fire devil"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="vampire"         words="vampire"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="ghost"         words="ghost"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="ghoul"         words="ghoul"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="mummy"         words="mummy"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="demon skeleton"         words="demon skeleton"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="demon"         words="demon"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="bat"         words="bat"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="liche"         words="liche"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="crypt shambler"         words="crypt shambler"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="bonebeast"         words="bonebeast"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="banshee"         words="banshee"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="witch"         words="witch"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="fire elemental"         words="fire elemental"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="necromancer"         words="necromancer"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="dragon lord"         words="dragon lord"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="dragon"         words="dragon"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="priestess"         words="priestess"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
<spell name="hell"         words="hell"   maglv="0"   mana="0"   enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>

i wklejcie pliki w spells/instant ---->

i mozecie po wypowiedzeniu slowa potworkow umieszczonych powyzej zaminic sie w jego outfit.
teraz jak samemu zrobic aby sie zamieniac w np. lwa:
musicie do spells.xml dopisac
<spell name="lion" words="lion" maglv="0" mana="0" enabled="1"><vocation id="1" /><vocation id="2" /><vocation id="3" /><vocation id="4" /><vocation id="5" /></spell>
nazwa zaklecia
slowa jakie trzeba powiedziec aby rzucic zaklecie
mlvl jaki trzeba miec aby rzucic je
ile zabiera many
czy dostepny (chyba)
i dla kogo dostepny:
1- mag
2- druid
3- palek
4- knight
5- GM

teraz trzeba wkleic do data/spells/instant plik o nazwie w moim przypadku lion.lua
a w nim:

attackType = ATTACK_NONE
animationEffect = NM_ANI_NONE
hitEffect = NM_ME_NONE
damageEffect = NM_ME_MAGIC_ENERGIE
animationColor = GREEN
offensive = false
drawblood = false
LightMagicMissileObject = MagicDamageObject(attackType, animationEffect, hitEffect, damageEffect, animationColor, offensive,
drawblood, 0, 0)
function onCast(cid, creaturePos, level, maglv, var)
centerpos = {x=creaturePos.x, y=creaturePos.y, z=creaturePos.z}
LightMagicMissileObject.minDmg = 0
LightMagicMissileObject.maxDmg = 0

outfit = math.random(1)
if outfit == 1 then
monsterlook = 122 numer potwora(tabele numerow podam nizej)
time = 9999999 jak dlugo bedzie wygladac jak dane zwierze
ret = doTargetMagic(cid, centerpos, LightMagicMissileObject:ordered())
if(ret) then
changeOutfit(cid, time, monsterlook)
return ret

jezeli chcecie aby losowo wybvieralo outfit z paru jak u mnie zaklecie hell bedzie wygladalo to tak sie juz raczej domysliliscoe w czym roznica ale dla pewnosci wrzuce kolorek xD:

attackType = ATTACK_NONE
animationEffect = NM_ANI_NONE
hitEffect = NM_ME_NONE
damageEffect = NM_ME_MAGIC_ENERGIE
animationColor = GREEN
offensive = false
drawblood = false
LightMagicMissileObject = MagicDamageObject(attackType, animationEffect, hitEffect, damageEffect, animationColor, offensive,
drawblood, 0, 0)
function onCast(cid, creaturePos, level, maglv, var)
centerpos = {x=creaturePos.x, y=creaturePos.y, z=creaturePos.z}
LightMagicMissileObject.minDmg = 0
LightMagicMissileObject.maxDmg = 0

outfit = math.random(19) --->ile jest razem tych potworkow[u mnie 19]
if outfit == 1 then
monsterlook = 33
if outfit == 2 then ---> tu poprostu dopisjujemy kolejno zamiast 1 then to 2 then itd
monsterlook = 40 ---> a tu numer wygladu potworka
if outfit == 3 then
monsterlook = 68
if outfit == 4 then
monsterlook = 48
if outfit == 5 then
monsterlook = 18
if outfit == 6 then
monsterlook = 65
if outfit == 7 then
monsterlook = 37
if outfit == 8 then
monsterlook = 107
if outfit == 9 then
monsterlook = 122
if outfit == 10 then
monsterlook = 99
if outfit == 11 then
monsterlook = 100
if outfit == 12 then
monsterlook = 101
if outfit == 13 then
monsterlook = 78
if outfit == 14 then
monsterlook = 54
if outfit == 15 then
monsterlook = 49
if outfit == 16 then
monsterlook = 9
if outfit == 17 then
monsterlook = 39
if outfit == 18 then
monsterlook = 34
if outfit == 19 then
monsterlook = 58
time = 9999999
ret = doTargetMagic(cid, centerpos, LightMagicMissileObject:ordered())
if(ret) then
changeOutfit(cid, time, monsterlook)
return ret

wyglad monsterow:
2 = orc warlord
3 = war wolf
4 = orc rider
5 = orc
6 = orc shaman
7 = orc warrior
8 = orc berzeker
9 = necromancer
13 = black sheep
14 = sheep
15 = troll
16 = bear
17 = beholder
18 = ghoul
19 = slime
20 = slime
21 = rat
22 = cyclopse
23 = minotaur mage
24 = minotaur archer
25 = minotaur
26 = rotworm
27 = wolf
28 = snake
29 = minotaur guard
30 = spider
31 = deer
32 = dog
33 = skeleton
34 = dragon
35 = demon
36 = poison spider
37 = demon skeleton
38 = giant spider
39 = dragon lord
40 = fire devil
41 = lion
42 = polar bear
43 = scorpion
44 = wasp
45 = bug
48 = ghost
49 = fire elemental
50 = orc spearman
51 = green djin
52 = winter wolf
53 = frost troll
54 = witch
55 = behemoth
56 = cave rat
57 = monk
58 = priestess
59 = orc leader
60 = pig
61 = goblin
62 = elf
63 = elf arcanist
64 = elf scout
65 = mummy
66 = dwarf geomancer
67 = stone golem
68 = vampire
69 = dwarf
70 = dwarf guard
71 = dwarf soldier
73 = hero
74 = rabbit
75 = gamemaster
76 = swamp troll
77 = woman white
78 = banshee
79 = ancient scarab
80 = blue djinn
81 = cobra
82 = larva
83 = scarab
84 = omruc
85 = morguthis
86 = thalas
87 = dipthrah
88 = ashmunrah
89 = mahrdis
90 = vashresamun
91 = rahemos
92 = mimic
93 = egipctothrower
94 = hyaena
95 = gargoyle
96 = magicthrower
97 = plaguethrower
98 = flamethrower
99 = liche
100 = crypt shambler
101 = bonebeast
102 = deathslicer
103 = Efreet
104 = marid
105 = badger
106 = skunk
107 = demon
108 = elder beholder
109 = little beholder
110 = yeti
111 = chicken
112 = crab
113 = lizard templar
114 = lizard sentinel
115 = lizard snakecharmer
116 = kongra
117 = merlkin
118 = sibangs
119 = crocodile
120 = carniphila
121 = hydra
122 = bat
123 = panda
124 = centipede
125 = tiger
126 = elephant
127 = flamingoe
128 = butterfly(pink)
129 = dworc voodoomaster
130 = dworc fleshhunter
131 = dworc venomsniper
132 = parrot
133 = terror bird
134 = unknown creature
135 = unknow creature
136 = butterfly(blue)
137 = butterfly(red)

@EDIT Smile
Zakodowalem kilka rzeczy i usunolem niepotrzebne znaki "-" Razz
By MlodY
PS. Dziekuje Skatowi Smile

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